Check out some of the latest news and views from around the grassroots game as well as Resources that we have made available to all.
Grassroots Stories – Masters Rugby League In London
Masters Rugby League is Rugby League for the Over 35s – social rugby league for Gentlemen who should know better. It is the fastest growing form of the game and we are the only Masters Rugby League club in London. Masters Rugby League is a social form of the...
Diary of a One-Team Club – The First Half of the Season
In the latest edition of of our Diary of a One-Team Club series, find out how Racal Decca RFC have fared in the first half of the season…
Grassroots Stories – The “One Club” mentality: myth or reality?
In this article, find out what Millie Ross believes are the issues and the benefits ot “The One-Club Mentality”
Cutting The Roots
This week saw another article published by Gavin Mairs and The Telegraph, where the position of grass roots of Rugby was again in focus as former RFU President John Owen ‘feared for the future of the grass roots game’ Clearly this issue is not going away...
Clubland – Almost Heaven?
I love Club Rugby. Its not perfect, but its close, and love means more than seeing and dwelling on the imperfections. I grew up in the Scottish Borders and didn’t find rugby until age 11 when I went to Galashiels Academy. I love the banner at Munster games – IRISH BY...
Grassroots Stories – Rugby Talks & Me
Hi all Meg here. I never really know how to start these blogs when I’m talking about myself and what I’m doing *cringe. But here I am so let’s get chatting! So I’m Meg, I’m 19 and I am a huge rugby fan, I say huge I’m about 5’5 but my Dad says the noise I make really...
The FYB Interview – Phil Vickery – In Association with Raging Bull
We recently caught up with former Gloucester, Wasps and England Rugby World Cup Winner, Phil Vickery, to talk all about his life in Rugby, from the Grassroots early days up to the World Cup win. We also got a chance to talk about what are the next projects in...
Clubland – “If anything is sure, its change.”
I landed in Clubland at an unprecedented time of change. The game had gone from amateur (shamateur) to professional and no one knew what the future held. The change was managed very differently from nation to nation, in fact some tried to ignore it for as long as...
Grassroots Stories – Support to Survive
The rugby club, in my opinion the best place on earth, however these are under threat from budget cuts from the RFU. Grassroots rugby has been such an important part of my life since a very early age. The first piece of live sport I encountered was a rugby game my Dad...
Diary of a One-Team Club – Saturday Morning Matters
Racal Decca RFC are now 2 weeks away from the season starting and the club has had its first training session on a Saturday lunchtime. However, in the run up to this Saturday session we hit a few brick walls, we tried to change training days to accommodate a larger...
The FYB Interview – Pat Lam
At the Gallagher Premiership Launch, we were lucky enough to have a chat with Bristol Bears Head Coach, Pat Lam about the upcoming season and the plans that the Bears have… Fill Your Boots – You were a player and now your the coach of the Bristol Bears, do...
Diary of a One-Team Club – Training?? What’s Training??
Most of us now are beginning to start our clubs preseason preparations, but how does that work when you are at a club with no club house, no real coaching resources other than the internet and lacking in valuable training equipment. This is Racal Decca RFC’s...
Grassroots Stories – “You Know How Many Boys?!”
The funniest and best introduction to this blog is a conversation I had with a 6 year old girl one grassroots rugby match day. I was explaining to her brother (who was team mascot), and her parents how many senior players are on our books as they had asked…84 I...
Grassroots Stories – A (match) day in the life of a South London amateur rugby captain
Since women came to rugby slightly later than men, we suffer the consequence in a few ways. The biggest and most frustrating of these is the Sunday fixture. Waking up on game day can sometimes therefore mean getting a few pints of water down you first thing. More...
Grassroots Stories – The Collective Action Problem of Amateur Team Sports…
People join rugby teams for a multitude of reasons: to get fit, to have fun, to play a sport they love, to try something new, to make new friends… the list is endless. As a general rule they don’t join a rugby team to increase their number of admin tasks, hours spent...
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