Fill Your Boots

Fill Your Boots are “Bringing Rugby Together” with brand new social network

On the 6th anniversary of the creation of Fill Your Boots as a grassroots rugby player exchange, we are proud to announce the launch of our brand-new social network, designed to bring the entire grassroots rugby community together like never before.

Over the past 18 months it has been clear that the need for collaboration in order for the grassroots game to survive and the new Fill Your Boots platform gives players, clubs & volunteers the opportunity to connect, share knowledge off the pitch and ultimately, make more rugby matches happen on it.

Watch our launch video…

Each area of England, Wales & Scotland has been given its own “Rugby Finder” group, where clubs and players can network in order to make more rugby matches happen, whether it be searching for a fixture or connecting with a local player who needs a last-minute run out.

The platform will give volunteers & coaches a place to interact and learn from each other with a dedicated forum, which can hold its own Zoom meetings to discuss different topics. This is going to be the place to share experiences and grow the game of rugby off the pitch.

Clubs who sign up for a profile will be added to our “Find a Rugby Club” map and search engine, a place where anyone can search for a club in their area.

We have teamed up with contributors who want to see the game grow, who have provided articles and webinars to compliment the back catalogue of Fill Your Boots created programming including FYB Rugby Round Table, FYB The Hard Line & FYB TryTime. More programming from the world of Rugby will be added in due course.

Fill Your Boots founder Sean Phelan said…

“I have enjoyed the past 6 years helping clubs & players over Facebook & Twitter, but it now seems the perfect time to launch our own social network. The last couple of years, with the cuts at the RFU and the pandemic has shown that there is a real DIY attitude within the grassroots game and this new platform can be the perfect place for everyone to come together, learn from each other and make more rugby matches happen.

This isn’t a team management or a payments tool. Fill Your Boots is purely designed to be a compliment and be a club & player development tool.”

Everyone can sign up for a free FYB profile at & an app is in development for early 2022. Corporate profiles are available on request.

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