Kids Rugby

Why Rugby Is A Fantastic Sport For Kids

Are your kids asking you if they can take up rugby as their sport of choice? Or, are you looking for a new sport for your kids to partake in and rugby is one of your considerations? No matter the reason that you’re looking, rugby is a fantastic choice of sport when it comes to kids, as it teaches them so much. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the reasons why rugby is a great choice, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.


One of the most important lessons that your kids will learn if they choose rugby as their sport is discipline. If you have ever watched a professional rugby match, then you will know that rugby players are some of the most disciplined around, not to mention the most respectful. Whereas in other sports you have players arguing and shouting at the referee, this is not something that you will see in rugby as the players know better.

Rugby teaches you to be respectful, disciplined and teaches you an awesome sport in the process. You will notice a change in your kid quite quickly after they start learning, both with their excitement to get muddy, and their attitude. 


Rugby can be a pretty intense sport, but it doesn’t have to be when it comes to kids. Of course, a lot of the time full-contact rugby can look extremely scary, but for kids it’s taken much easier so that they are not at risk of injury. Very young children will play tag rugby more often than not, progressing to contact rugby as they age.

Both of these are extremely good for health as they have kids running around, keeping fit, and using each area of their body for something. Whether they are throwing the ball, catching the ball, sprinting up the field, or working on their strength, the whole body gets a workout.

It’s Not That Expensive

Another great thing about rugby is that it doesn’t have to be that expensive if you are looking for an awesome hobby on a budget. You can look at sites like where you can get a lot of items for your kids without paying through the nose for them. Of course, one of the most expensive parts is going to be the rugby lessons, but you can usually work out something with the coach of the team if your child is passionate about the game. It’s not a massively expensive sport as it doesn’t require heaps of equipment that is constantly going to get damaged, and that’s a huge bonus.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the reasons why rugby is such a fantastic sport for kids! A lot of parents might be worried about rugby as their kids’ chosen sport, wondering if it’s safe, but we promise that it is. It’s definitely worth letting your kids try rugby if they haven’t already!

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